Home MB Herald August Issue 2014

August Issue 2014

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Gathering 2014

CCMBC receives approval for sandbox

CCMBC restructures financial ministries, presents budget

Ministry updates

Board of faith and life


Experience Vancouver photo essay

Gathering 2014: Multiplying for mission

Gathering 2014 Photo Gallery

Interview: Karolyn Burch


Editorial: Gathering top four

Executive director: Celebrating the local church

Text Message: Gardeners and builders: Co-workers in God’s service

Testimony: From coat sale to clothed in Christ

Intersection of faith and life: Drinking from the garden hose of Truth  

Viewpoint: Ideal conditions  



Stewardship staff transitions

Award-winning MB writers 

A beautiful faith


News in story

MCC B.C. annual general meeting 

Enemies become gospel friends

CCMBC helps pastor go to school 

Canada invests in maternal/child health 

MCC on the ground in Iraq

The sun of love

“Finish lines” [Obituaries]

David Jacob DickJohn A. BergenZipporah Rene FehrMaria FothSelma MillerNicholas (Nick) NeufeldHenry Hamm HarmsAllan Hugo SiemensGordon MartinNaomi Ruth GiesbrechtHulda Nickel, John William Booth



Old history offers new insights

Old Testament prophets confront today’s problems

Devotions in the temple

Reconciling the book of nature with Scripture

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1 comment

Steven Nickel August 20, 2014 - 14:06

Letters to editor:

RE: 4 views of Adam.

In reading the full review of this book on the Herald crosscurrents site it is clear that 3 of the views on Adam are based on a belief the God used evolution in His creation and that evolution is to be viewed as Biblical and scientific because some Christian scientists and theologians said so. Problems; evolution is the survival of the fittest by bloodshed and death and extinction of the weak. God’s Word the Bible says that Adam’s disobedience caused death, disease, thorns and bloodshed. If God used evolution, creation does not then groan from Adam’s original sin because God would have created death and bloodshed in the first place as part of His “good” creation. Evolution means no original sin; this is a basic doctrine of atheism.

Concerning human genome; good Christians have learned to spout the evolutionary line as part of “fitting in” with the “scientific” community. They had forgotten that in the 90’s a genome researcher said the all women on earth came from one woman. This was quickly changed because the evidence pointed to a real Biblical Eve and we all know that that can’t be true in this modern age. So a new spin had to be put on the genome evidence, so now the party line is that humanity came from a very large group of humanoids that didn’t come from a smaller group, that didn’t come from a very few.

We have to remember that scientists with an atheist/naturalistic worldview have to explain the origin of the world around them without a supernatural cause; that position is very illogical. Christians need to be far more discerning on this issue. We are not left with the unenviable task of deciding which is the most convincing of the 4 views about Adam as the Zondervan review says. But we just have to accept that Jesus really is the Son of God and He knows more that Darwin and his disciples.

Steven Nickel
Abbotsford, B.C.


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