Join us as we gather together for a day of worship and prayer on Tuesday, September 10th at Mountain Park Church in Niagara Falls. Registration closes September 5th.
The Bridge is a youth resource centre located in Leamington, Ontario. It opened its doors after God prompted members of Meadow Brook Church to ask, “If our church ceased to exist, would our community even notice?”
This month our focus is on intercession for the internal brokenness of humans and their own selves. While this may seem complex or vague, this intercession is for humans to experience peace (or shalom) between their own body, mind, heart, and soul.
When your “burning bush” moment with God isn’t blazing or audible, but it’s clear.
Many of our churches experienced a dispersing of congregations during the pandemic and felt the uncertainty of how many people would come back as things reopened. We feared the empty pews and vacant rooms, but what happens when your congregation returns full-force and you no longer have a building to welcome them to?
What is the most life-transforming wisdom you now possess and wish you had known much earlier in your discipleship?
- Columns
An Interview with Erica Boschman, Associate Pastor of Care at River West Christian Church (Edmonton, AB)
“I really like theology with dirt on it — to walk around in it, for it to be close enough to the average person that the dust rises up and taints it. If we keep it so shiny and so pristine, it doesn’t serve us. Theology is for learning about God and his work — and it is for everyone.”
This year’s summit of the International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) took place in Malawi, hosted by the vibrant young conference that began in the Dzaleka refugee camp some 15 years ago. In attendance were delegates from 22 different countries, with divergent cultures and various languages, but with one thing in common: We are family.
Despite all its failures, God has not given up on the church. God has taken a huge risk to identify himself so closely with the church called to incarnate his character and mission.
Getting humanitarian supplies into Gaza continues to be very difficult, but finally a shipment that was donated and packaged by MCC volunteers is on its way.