At the nine-year mark, his church was in vision drift, said pastor Brad Sumner at the L2L breakout session at Gathering 2014. Jericho Ridge Community Church, Langley, B.C., called on L2L (CCMBC’s newly christened leadership development arm), expecting “a sage from the stage,” but instead got “a guide from the side,” who helped them through self-discovery, allowing them to own their lessons and action steps.
“Nobody goes to church to put in time,” said Ron Toews, L2L director. Through coaching, L2L helps churches and individuals grow on a journey with God.
“Good coaching helps you better understand where you’re at,” said lifelong learning host Daniel Beutler – even if that place is scary.
L2L’s interactive website,, enables peer to peer coaching, professional consulting and resource sharing, both for congregations and individuals.
“We are on a lifelong journey of discovery with God,” said Beutler. At each turning point – whether a high or low – “God deposits key insights and entrustments that shape both our being and our doing,” he said, giving the example of Joseph whose challenges with his brothers and as a slave prepared him to rule Egypt (Genesis 50:18–20).
The coach process, said Beutler, is not a dialogue, but “a tri-alogue: a conversation between you, the coach and God.” It’s about listening, learning and living.
—Karla Braun
For more Gathering 2014 stories, photos, videos and blogs, see reports in this issue
CCMBC receives approval for sandbox
CCMBC restructures financial ministries, presents budget
Editorial: Gathering top four
Ministry updates
Board of faith and life
Experience Vancouver photo essay
Gathering 2014: Multiplying for mission
Gathering 2014 Photo Gallery
Interview: Karolyn Burch
AND blogs on the 2014 Gathering website