Title: Common Grace Playwright: Shauna Johannesen Director: Ron Reed A Pacific Theatre production When a family is reunited to mourn the loss of their husband and father, they are forced …
Pacific Theatre
Title: The Amish Project There are some unspeakable tragedies from which we want to hide our faces: 10 Amish school girls shot execution style in a hostage situation by a …
The Seafarer is a dark comedy by Irish playwright, Conor McPherson. On the surface, it is the tale of two brothers and three friends gathered over the holidays for a …
The Honest Fishmongers’ production of Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure at Pacific Theatre (Jan. 17–Feb. 8) breathes life and relevance into one of the Bard’s darker comedies.
So begins Daniel McIvor’s play, Communion, a Ruby Slippers Theatre production hosted and presented by Vancouver’s Pacific Theatre, Oct. 25–Nov. 9. Communion is an exploration of the dynamics of relationships; …
Have you ever wished to be someone else? In Pacific Theatre’s 2013/2014 season opener, The Foreigner by Larry Shue, Charlie Baker tries on a new identity, taking the audience on …
Pacific Theatre celebrates 30 years of creativity, artistry, and the grace of God In summer 1984, seminarian-turned-theatre-graduate Ron Reed and three friends took a leap of faith and started their …
“Believing in God is easy; the hardest part is believing this matters,” says Bill, the lead character in Bill Cain’s moving semi-autobiographical, semi-fictional play on family; How to Write a …
What drives us to help others? Are we moved by compassion, by pity? Do we have a need for significance that can only come from sacrifice? Or, do we make …
Leave of Absence Playwright: Lucia Frangione Director: Morris Ertman Cast: Tom McBeath, Lucia Frangione, Craig Erickson, Marie Russell, Karyn Guenther A production of Pacific Theatre Jan. 25–Feb. 16 “It’s …
Conversation between philosophy and theology engaging and amusing Wittenberg Playwright: David Davalos Director: Stephen Drover A production of Pacific Theatre —“I’ll take ‘Common Bonds’ for a thousand, Alex.” “Dr. Faustus Hamlet …
There’s a balm in Gilead Vancouver’s Pacific Theatre was abuzz with anticipation on Friday, Sept. 21, opening night of the 2012/2013 season. The first offering this year is the musical …
B.C. theatre company portrays gospel with creativity A new graduate from California Institute of the Arts in 1984, Ron Reed soon discovered a disconnect between his faith and his experience …