Home MB Herald February Issue 2014

February Issue 2014



One more F-bomb for the road

Ten simple ways to be missional

Chaplains: leading the missional charge

Is it God or gas?

Love never gives up


Editorial: Butternut squash soup for the soul

Outfront: Pray and work  

Hogg wild: Adventures in missional living

Viewpoint: Who was Barbara?

Intersection of faith and life: Things I’m learning from AA 



A safe place to play 

Hands Across the Globe : Thailand Mennonite Brethren Foundation

News in story

Anabaptists join conversation to Impact Holy Land 

Baptist book illuminates MB history 

Federation of Law Societies approves TWU School of Law

EFC urges government to act after Supreme Court decision in prostitution case

“Finish lines” [Obituaries]   

David Levi Lepp, Jessie Froese, Mary Giesbrecht, Annie Janzen, Mary Enns, Loreen (Kae) Katharine Penner, Frank Dyck, Henry Hiebert, Margaret Baerg, Florence Dyck, Edward Nick Martens, Lily Hogman, Peter Tymburski, Werner Falk, Janet Sarah Hendry, Sarah Giesbrecht, Mary Klippenstein, Esther Marie Teigrob,    


Church Anniversaries



From Times Square to Timbuktu: The Post-Christian West Meets the Non-Western Church

Living Ecological Justice: A Biblical Response to the Environmental Crisis   

Branch: A Memoir with Pictures

Book News

MennoMedia embraces tension

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Ken Braun February 11, 2014 - 20:57

I appreciated the article on chaplains in the February issue and while all of the chaplain ministries mentioned are obvious places for ministry to take place, there was one glaring omission. I have been a volunteer chaplain with the Dallas Fire Department and Police in Dallas, Oregon for 17 years. As a chaplain in this position we are often the voice of comfort and grace and God’s love in life’s most significant crisis, sudden loss, whether that is a house burned down or a life lost, through illness, age, accident, suicide or upon occasion, murder. While chaplains can not impose our religious views upon the people we serve, we certainly bathe every situation and person in prayer, sometimes a private conversation with God, sometimes in public with the people directly involved. We serve our citizens and the first responders working to save lives and property. It has been and still is a privilege to be the hands, face and presence of Jesus for folks who may or may not have ever known him.

Karla Braun February 12, 2014 - 10:51

There are many contexts in which ministers come alongside people in specific fields to encourage and offer spiritual counsel; those we mentioned are only a sampling. Thanks for highlighting another kind of chaplaincy, Ken.


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