MCC has long been and continues to be a ministry partner of the Mennonite Brethren church in Canada. We value this partnership deeply and are grateful for the role the MB Herald has played in sharing the needs and the stories of responding that have happened in part through the generosity of the MB community. Thank you staff of the Herald for your years of dedicated service. May the peace of Christ be with you.
—Rick Cober Bauman, executive director, MCC Canada
The year I finished high school, Gordon Nickel wrote about Bruce Cockburn, a prominent Canadian musician who had recently become a Christian. Nickel’s article (May 25, 1979) was important to me because he was engaging popular music culture (something that I was unsure how to navigate in my conservative upbringing), describing a surprising (to me) kind of Christian, and addressing a topic of significance to young readers like me. Years later, I still remember that article because it introduced me to an inspiring, provocative artist and represented a national MB magazine and denomination interested in young adults.
—Andrew Dyck, MB Seminary and Westwood Community Church, Winnipeg
I’m so sorry, even after those who cared so deeply gave it their best effort, that this is the way the Herald ends. That we financially and spiritually neglected building a community that could support and sustain new churches for many more years to come. I pray for the folks left out of work by this change. Karla, Angeline, Rebecca, and Colton have been a gift to us, helping many find their voice and place in this family. May the crannies of connection that fill in for the Herald contribute to a cohesive sense of church family that spans our regional and theological discrepancies.
—Kevin Koop, past pastor of Crestwood MB, Medicine Hat, Alta.
A Christmas issue (Dec. 3, 1993) totally changed the way I understand the nativity. The article, The Manger and the Inn by Kenneth Bailey, had me re-read Luke 2; I realized Christ came as a normal human baby. Having grown up on the other side of the world, for me, the article made extremely good sense culturally. Stories in church – like the inn/hotel, no one to help Mary except Joseph – are hard to accept when that is not what the Bible says. Thank you so much for helping me understand things better!
—Kathy Baerg
The obituaries are always thought provoking and instructive. An article may challenge me to a closer relationship with our Lord. I used to read the Herald from cover to cover.
—John Giesbrecht
I have always enjoyed reading the obituaries of people coming from Russia, for the history and how their move to Canada has impacted our country. True stories of faith and God’s leading. Soon there will be no more of that generation, but many of us are here because of them.
—Anneliese Friesen
I remember the arrival of the first MB Herald in our home in 1962. I was in Grade 2 at the time; I thought it strange that the magazine was spelled Herald with an “e” instead of with an “a” like my uncle Harold. The Herald has been a source of inspiration and information for me for many years.
—Marvin Dyck, Crossroads MB, Winnipeg
My favourite memory goes back to 1996: all year, letters to the editor were discussing the merits and dangers of dancing, since at the national MB youth convention, Banff 95, I had scheduled a dance (with a Christian DJ). I never felt attacked in the letters. The MB Herald was a great vehicle for people to get things off their chest – even be creative to make their point. I always felt this forum enriched our body life immensely and the MB Herald was a better magazine for providing this context for us to interact. With the demise of the print MB Herald, I hope the online version becomes that kind of recognized forum. Honest engagement with issues still can happen – and should – if we’re going to continue our pathways of discipleship together as a Mennonite Brethren community in Canada.
—David Wiebe, CCMBC executive minister/director 2000–2010, ICOMB director 2011–2018, Winnipeg
The MB Herald will be sorely missed by this household. The magazine connected Mennonites, especially Mennonite Brethren, throughout Canada. I loved the obituaries, births, and changing lifestyles the best. I could remain current with my cousins and see the churches as they evolved to different leadership. The insights of ministers or columnists were quite informative. The ads for MB tours broadened our horizons. I always looked forward to every new issue.
—C.A. Van Mil, Coaldale (Alta.) MB
I have been an MB my whole life; I attended an MB Bible school, MB summer camp, and participated in three MB Mission overseas service opportunities. When I read the Herald, I get a sense of connection to my MB family. I see how wide the MB family is. I grew up with MB Heralds lying around the house; my children won’t have this as part of their story. I am not sure how I will pass on to my three young children this sense of being part of a larger community.
—Elise Neufeld, Crossroads MB, Winnipeg
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