“When we realized that this year marked 80 years since our beginnings, we decided to use this ‘birthday’ as an opportunity to ensure that we are still, by God’s grace, ‘pursuing the mission,’” said president Bryan Born at Columbia Bible College’s annual fundraising dinner, Oct. 21, 2016.
Columbia’s travelling ministry team led worshipful singing and faculty and staff shared their excitement to pursue Columbia’s mission. More than 325 guests enjoyed Columbia Gourmet Catering’s banquet as they invested in equipping young adults for lives of discipleship, ministry and leadership in service to the church and community.
The school has been guided by mission statements “with a clear focus on spiritual growth and transformation, serious Bible study and preparation for service in the church and world,” said Born. “Since the merger of our two predecessor Bible schools to form Columbia Bible Institute in 1970, that original mission has evolved and been further refined. But, the essentials remain the same: Our mission is to equip people for a life of discipleship, ministry and leadership in service to the church and community.”
A school must also be ready to adapt its methods to the changing world around it. “For us at Columbia Bible College, that means we’re offering new programs and courses,” said Born.
Next fall, Columbia launches an Emergency Rescue Technician certificate program. At the same time as it trains students in emergency first-response skills (including search and rescue operations and avalanche safety), the program provides foundational Bible and theology courses intended to foster Christian faith and character.
“We are ready to innovate as God directs,” said Born. “We want to equip students with what they need so that they can fully live into the calling, the vocations, that God has placed on their lives.”
—from reports