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Mission of the church

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You are the light of the world!
Let your light shine,
so that all people might see it
and praise your Father in heaven.
God, we love You and live for You.
Help us to love our neighbors as ourselves,
sharing the good news with boldness,
showing the good news with deeds of limitless love.
We are not ashamed of this good news:
it is Your power for salvation,
to everyone who believes.

All authority in heaven and on earth
is given to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, go and summon all nations to follow Him,
baptizing them and teaching them
to observe all that he commanded.
Let the nations praise You, O God,
let all the nations praise You!

Spirit of God,
fill us with power to be Your witnesses.
We offer ourselves to the Lord of the Harvest.
As ambassadors for Christ,
purify us and use us to proclaim His salvation.
We commit ourselves
to spread the good news of peace with God
to those who are near
and to those afar off.
Strengthen us to work with joy
as we look forward to the Day of Harvest,
when the redeemed will gather in God’s presence
to celebrate forever the boundless riches
of Jesus Christ our Lord.


Liturgical readings based on the MB Confession of Faith
These readings are designed for worship services, as one way of incorporating the content of the Confession of Faith in prayers, public affirmations and statements of commitment. Based on the 1999 MB Confession of Faith, these readings are intended for antiphonal use: either leader/congregation, or two groups of readers. The light print is for the leader or first group, and the bold print is for the congregation or second group.

Readings based on all section of the Confession of Faith found here:


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