As you engage with the CUSP, you will notice that this is not an organizational strategic plan; it is a mission plan. We begin by identifying our call to mission …
Doug Heidebrecht, Director of Global Training at MB Seminary, began teaching the Missional Leadership Training (MLT) program in Malawi in the fall of 2018 n Dzaleka Camp, the Mennonite Brethren …
Jennifer and Alissa have led two very different lives. Yet their stories are intertwined, and their discipleship journey has led them to a shared resolve and a lasting friendship.
You are the light of the world! Let your light shine, so that all people might see it and praise your Father in heaven. God, we love You and live …
Refugees and Ambassadors: Mennonite Missions in Brazil Victor Wiens Self published Reviewed by Eckhard Goerz What is the subject? An examination of Mennonites in Brazil, arriving initially as refugees largely …
*Update* July 7, 2019 In June, the board of Multiply announced a shift in mission strategy in response to “a significant gap between expenses and revenue for North American church planting.” “Multiply …
Soul of the City is a collection of essays on the intersection of Christianity/church and Canadian cities.
A call to co-labour with the church in Germany MBH interviewed Alex Suderman, who with his wife Carla and four children, is beginning a FOCUS apprenticeship church planting in Germany …
God’s People in Mission: An Anabaptist Perspective Stanley W. Green and Rafael Zaracho Reviewed by D. Berg What is the subject? The 10 chapters of God’s People in Mission expound …
The gospel and education for the oppressed Batwa in DR Congo The people of whom we speak live deep in the equatorial forest, far from passable roads, between the great …
title: Incarnational Mission author: Samuel Wells There are four ways the church tends to engage society: working for, working with, being with, and being for.
The Mennonite Brethren Historical Commission met June 8 and 9 for its annual general meeting in Hillsboro, Kansas, at Tabor College’s Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies. The Commission heard reports …
Redeem everything “We’re making North America our eighth church planting region,” said Randy Friesen, MB Mission general director about the global mission agency’s merger with the Canadian MB church planting …
Title: Keeping Faith in Fundraising Author: Peter Harris and Rod Wilson The focus of this book is fundraising – in Christian ministry and as Christian ministry. The authors look at …
How many books would you need to read to get a handle on the Mennonite Brethren family in Canada? The answer is one: the 115-page Revised Canadian Edition of Family …