So, I’ve been hearing about a Collaborative Model…
What is that?
The Collaborative Model was developed by the provincial and national conferences and MB ministry partners. It reflects the trends revealed in the National Survey, which the Executive Board conducted December 1–31, 2017.
This model aims to provide a structure for equipping and resourcing Canadian MB churches for our mission of multiplying Christ-centred churches to see Canada transformed by the good news of Jesus Christ.
Here’s a video:
What do you mean by “MB ministry partner”?
For our purposes “MB ministry partners” include MB Seminary, MB Mission, and C2C. There will also be coordinated effort with our MB schools and MB camps in Canada.
How does this affect me and my local church?
This model aims to provide a structure for equipping and resourcing Canadian MB churches for our mission of multiplying Christ-centred churches to see Canada transformed by the good news of Jesus Christ.
I’m hearing the words “single stream” funding.
Can you explain that to me?
This model combines the funding your church currently gives to both the national and provincial conferences. You would no longer send a portion of your tithes and offerings to the provincial conference and a separate portion to national. The combined amount would be sent to your local province, who in turn will provide some financial support for the national ministries.
But what about the amount I give to MB Mission or MB Seminary?
This new model would not affect how you give to MB Mission, MB Seminary, or other ministries.
Who’s in charge or making the decisions? How will the leadership structure work?
A National Assembly will be created to make national decisions and conduct the annual general meeting for CCMBC. This assembly will consist of provincial conference boards, the national Board of Faith and Life, MB ministry partner representatives (see #2), and certain national staff, such as the national director.
Hold up!
Does that mean national assemblies are for board members only?
Where do I get to have my say?
Provincial conventions! Across the country, more churches participate in provincial conventions than national events. National meetings require some people to cross the country to participate, adding expense and time. By moving the decision-making to the provincial conventions, we can make the meetings more accessible and invite greater participation. Provincial boards will then bring decisions made at the conventions to the national assembly.
Are we voting on national decisions at a provincial level?
Churches would have a proxy vote which is brought to the national assembly by the provincial board. This would mean the decision runway would be longer.
Does this mean the end of Gathering and Equip Study Conference?
I believe it’s important that we all meet together as a national family.
So do we! We are planning for the continuation of Equip Study Conferences. These events can then focus more on learning together, rather than on conducting business. Another good connecting point is the annual C2C Multiply Conference. We will continue to present other ways to gather as an MB family.
If there’s such a shift to the provincial level, why do we still have a national conference and national staff?
Wait, do we have a national staff?
There are some things that only national can do, such as unifying us missionally and theologically under our Confession of Faith and charter and representing us to our international partners including the International Community of Mennonite Brethren and Mennonite World Conference. Some ministries go beyond provincial borders and we need to own them together as Canadians, such as ministry in Quebec and Atlantic provinces and engaging with Indigenous people. Elton DaSilva has been appointed as the new national director; a large part of his role will be to continue bringing greater collaboration between national and provincial conferences and our MB ministry partners as we serve together toward our common mission.
Come to Gathering 2018 July 11–14 in Saskatoon to find out more! There, delegates will be able to interact with the proposal and vote on which way we move forward.
1 comment
The generation that I represent have adult children – generally hearing and working in this type of environment and expressed constantly as they grow in their careers. I am relieved to learn that collaboration in the environment of our conference of churches has a foundation of a proven and workable and measurable strategies that have the potential to last longer than those of us temporarily holding the torch.