Serving up traditional prairie Mennonite cuisine and a short program, The Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies hosted 20 people Nov. 13 to thank the nine volunteers who serve the centre. “It’s one small way to show our appreciation for the tremendous work they do for us,” said director Doug Heidebrecht. At press time, the volunteers had logged approximately 1,200 hours of time at the centre, coming twice a week, twice a month, or serving “on call.” Activities include filing, sorting, scanning, research, translating, editing, mailing, and data entry. Because of the ongoing work of volunteers, the Centre is able to pursue new initiatives and deal with increased demands for resources. The volunteers cite many reasons for giving their time, but Ed Lenzmann summed it up with “I wouldn’t come if I didn’t enjoy it.” Pictured above are (back, l–r) Susan Huebert, Kathie Ewert, Lois Wedel, Abe Dueck, (front) Ed Lenzmann, and Clara Toews.
—Conrad Stoesz