On Mar. 11, 2011, a devastating magnitude 9 earthquake and tsunami struck the Tohoku region of Japan. Two years later, updates on the event have faded from the news, yet clean-up and rebuilding continue, and several thousand people are still displaced from their homes. Here is a prayer to offer for the 128 million inhabitants, and for the 28 Japanese Mennonite Brethren churches:
Your kingdom come, O Lord.
We pray for all of those affected by the earthquake and tsunami of Mar. 11, 2011. Many lost homes, health, or loved ones. We pray for the thousands still in temporary shelters, without a house or hope for the future. Relieve their suffering.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We ask for your love to shine through the volunteers who are involved in heart care. Bring healing to the hearts of parents who lost children, and children who lost parents.
We pray for continued openness to the gospel in the Tohoku region where your good news is not widely known. Give wisdom to your church as its people minister hope in the disaster zone.
God of love and justice, hear our prayer.
We pray for the government, and for aid agencies, both local and international, that they might make good decisions for the long-term benefit of Japanese society. May the people’s trust of their government be rebuilt as leaders act with transparency and good faith.
Lord, in your mercy, grant them strength and wisdom.
We ask that the victims of the disaster in Japan will experience a taste of your kingdom. May your name be exalted through the practical love of Christians.
God of love and justice, open our hearts and prompt us to action.
In the name
of Christ,