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Music lovers and musicians from across North America and the world will converge at Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ont., June 4–8 for Sound in the Lands 09. The festival, organized by Carol Ann Weaver, associate professor of music at the college, celebrates and explores Mennonite-related music and will include performances, workshops, and academic presentations.

Conrad Grebel University College

“Celebrating God’s Blessings: Past, Present, and Future” is the theme for Write! Canada’s 25th annual conference in Guelph, Ont., June 18–20. The three-day event will feature speakers Brian Stiller, Audrey Dorsch, and Ray Wiseman; in-depth classes; and wide-ranging workshops.


Going Barefoot II, a one-day communications conference titled “Reaching the Facebook generation,” will feature Mike Tennant of CBC radio’s “The Age of Persuasion.” The event, also featuring Gayle Goosen of Barefoot Creative, will be held in Winnipeg in conjuction with Canadian Church Press’s annual convention.


OnlineMissionsTrip.com encouraged teenagers and youth leaders to use social-networking media, such as Facebook, to witness to friends Feb. 1-14. Suggestions for the 2-week blitz included posting a Christian music video daily, and emailing friends an encouraging message and prayer. Another initiative has declared April 26 Internet Evangelism Day.

onlinemissionstrip.com, internetevangelismday.com

Realizing the price of ink is, per millilitre, more expensive than a good perfume or expensive champagne, a Dutch creative communications team, SPRANQ, developed a font to use less ink. The Ecofont is free, downloadable, and compatible with Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux. TheRealizing the price of ink is, per millilitre, more expensive than a good perfume or expensive Ecofont employs holes in the type, based on Vera Sans, resulting in 20% less ink use.


The annual meeting of the Mennonite Historical Society of Canada was held Jan. 24 in Montreal, hosted by the newest provincial historical society, la Société historique Mennonite du Québec, founded in 2007. The meeting celebrated several new publications, approved donating copies of Ted Regehr’s Mennonites in Canada to Mennonite congregations, and gave the 2009 Award of Excellence to the late David K. Schellenberg for his efforts at the Evangelical Mennonite Conference archives.

—Mennonite Historical Society of Canada

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