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Short Stuff

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The makers of the most watched film of all time have released a women’s version. Magdalena: Released from Shame knits together footage from the original Jesus film in episodic flashbacks, narrated by Mary Magdalene. The film emphasizes incidents in which Jesus interacted with women, and the filmmakers were sensitive to Muslim mores and shame-based cultures.


Hallmark Channel aired four Mennonite Media documentary films consecutive Sunday evenings in August. The documentaries address addiction, hunger, forgiveness, and aging, and are also available from Mennonite Media’s website.

—The Mennonite

Coinciding with the evangelist’s 90th birthday, Rocky Mountain Pictures will release feature film Billy: The Early Years in select theatres Oct. 10. Directed by Robby Benson, the film stars Armie Hammer in the role of Billy Graham.


Nonviolent video game “Cool School” takes players through a school where most objects have a personality. The game teaches how to solve social conflict through skills like negotiating and cooperation. Developed by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, it received funding from U.S. Congress.

—The Mennonite

New Dutch health regulations prohibiting smoking in bars do not apply to churches, so pub owners are joining the One True Universal Smokers’ Church of God and declaring their premises a place of worship.


Best known as a vampire novelist, Anne Rice released a second book in her “Christ the Lord” series, entitled The Road to Cana. Based on New Testament scholarship, the novel depicts Jesus prior to the beginning of his ministry. The book hit store shelves in August.


Faith Filmworks released its second feature film on DVD in August. All About Us is a partly autobiographical account of producers Michael and Christine Swanson’s attempt to distribute their first film, All About You, a values-based PG-rated film aimed at black moviegoers.


Living Libraries, started by a Copenhagen student in 1993, offer people as “books” in an effort to combat prejudice. Patrons who sign out a living book spend 30 minutes speaking privately with their “book” on any topic.


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