The Kindred Spirits Reward Program is making a difference for the work of SOUL (School Of Urban Leadership), a ministry training school for inner-city students in Winnipeg. At a luncheon August 28, Kindred Productions awarded SOUL the complete set of “Luminaire” Bible study books and presented the school with $200-worth of credits to purchase more Christian resources. SOUL offers four or five modules of theological training per year to urban students for whom Bible college or seminary training is not an option.
Through the reward program, Kindred Productions (KP), the publishing and distribution arm of the Canadian Conference of MB Churches, gives 10 percent of the purchase value of books ordered from their website to one of 23 churches or ministries currently registered. Any church or ministry can register for a one-time fee of $29.95.
“It’s kind of like the concept of paying it forward, giving back,” said KP’s Yvonne Heinrichs.
In another example of Kindred Spirits rewards benefiting ministries, Forest Grove Community Church of Saskatoon plans to use the credits they’ve accrued to buy books for “The Bridge on 20th,” an affiliated ministry that works with street people. Churches that order Sunday school curriculum through KP can quickly amass credits for their ministry of choice to purchase Christian resources through Kindred Productions’ website.
—Karla Braun