Home Arts & Culture Reading list on apologetics

Reading list on apologetics

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Questions of Faith: A Skeptical Affirmation of Christianity
By Peter Berger; Wiley-Blackwell, 2003
An examination of how one can affirm Christian belief in a pluralistic postmodern context, from a well-respected sociologist of religion.

God is Great, God is Good: Why Believing in God is Reasonable
William Lane Craig and Chad Meister; InterVarsity Press, 2009
This volume is a direct response to the challenge of the New Atheists (Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris).

The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism
Timothy Keller; Dutton, 2008
A must-read for anyone interested in responding to the challenge of atheism. Keller first addresses specific questions and objections he fields as a pastor in New York City, and then moves on to positive reasons for affirming the faith.

Jesus Matters: Good News for the Twenty-First Century
James Krabill and David W. Shenk, editors; Herald Press, 2009
A collection of essays by Anabaptist writers exploring what the Bible says about Jesus and his relevance to people of the 21st century.

Mere Christianity
C.S. Lewis; Harper Collins, 2004
A classic work outlining the reasonableness of Christianity and some of the problems of unbelief.

The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World
Alister McGrath; Galilee Trade, 2006
A comprehensive and engaging history of atheism.

The Gospel in a Pluralist Society
Lesslie Newbigin; Eerdmans, 1989
A world-renowned missiologist leads readers on a journey of discovering how Christianity fits into a pluralistic context marked by relativism, ethnic diversity, and religious pluralism.

Belief in God in an Age of Science
John Polkinghorne; Yale University Press, 1998
Polkinghorne is both a physicist and theologian, and this compilation of lectures addresses the compatibility of the “intellectual cousins” of science and theology.

The God that Did Not Fail: How Religion Built and Sustains the West
Robert Royal; Encounter, 2006
A look at the role played by religion in the history of Western culture. Royal does not whitewash the past, but also acknowledges the formative role played by religious belief in building and preserving much of what we cherish.

—compiled by Ryan Dueck and Karla Braun

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