The annual convention of the Quebec MB conference (l’Association des églises des frères mennonites du Québec – AEFMQ) was held Apr. 10 in Laval at Église chrétienne de Ste-Rose.
The seven AEFMQ churches sent three delegates, 10 guests represented MB agencies and the Canadian conference, and 12 people represented the AEFMQ and host church.
Delegates discussed and ratified a new 5-year strategic plan, governance manual, and constitution, adopting the vision statement, “we dream of having healthy, dynamic churches serving their communities.” Reports were sent out two weeks before the meeting this year, allowing delegates to discuss technical details of the reports before voting.
Some developments in the Quebec conference over the past year include two new church plants: Renacer, grown out of Les Ambassadeurs Spanish MB church in Montreal; and The Living Room, a bilingual church plant at Concordia University. AEFMQ is exploring partnerships between Montreal’s English congregations and churches in Ottawa. Four churches are at various stages of the ReFocusing process, and another four will start in the fall.
Plans to open Maison de Sophia, a women’s shelter in the Saint-Jérôme borough continue to develop. Joakim Veilleux replaced Gérard Basque as representative to the Roundtable on Protestant Education. SOAR Montreal 2009 engaged the majority of MB churches in the city, in addition to 180 young people and 19 participants in the family track. This year’s event will be smaller in scale because organizers Marie-Eve Nagant and Vincent Gamache are stepping back for a season.
École de Théologie Évangelique de Montréal (ETEM) signed an agreement with Canadian and Missionary Alliance school IBVie, and is exploring partnerships with Canadian Mennonite University and Concordia; Le Lien underwent a redesign, increased to 24 pages in full colour, and printed 3,000–5,000 copies for distribution among the wider evangelical population in Quebec.
The conference also paid homage to Dave Wiebe, executive director of the Canadian conference, whose mandate will be completed at the end of the year.
—Karla Braun, from reports.