Jonathan Simpson
Title & congregation: pastor of youth and young adults, Bakerview Church, Abbotsford, B.C
Start: Aug. 1, 2019
Education: BA in biblical studies, Columbia Bible College, Abbotsford
Previous ministry: youth ministry intern, Broadway Church, Chilliwack, B.C. (2014–2015); part-time youth pastor, New Hope Christian Church, Delta, B.C. (2017–2018)
Family: Brittany
On the church: We have an incredible mission as followers of Jesus to join in reconciling all things back to Jesus. The church is a place where people can see who they are and discover a deep and purposeful life because God created us and loves us. To see this unfold in the lives of youth and young adults gives me hope for the future and motivates me to continue.
Mike Engbers
Title & congregation: lead pastor, Parliament Community Church, Regina
Start: Mar. 4, 2019
Education: BA in philosophy, The King’s University, Edmonton; MDiv, Taylor Seminary, Edmonton; DMin, Carey Theological College, Vancouver
Previous ministry: associate pastor, children and family, Trinity Baptist Church, Sherwood Park, Alta.; lead pastor, First Baptist Church, Prince Albert, Sask.; pulpit supply in several denominations
Family: Christina, 4 children: Caralyn, Rachel, Madison, Brooklyn
On the church: My call to ministry came in the middle of a conflict in the church I attended. I sensed God calling me to love the church – “all of them!” I am passionate about people growing in faith, and also growing in community – in the church and in the world. I believe the church is stronger together than individually. I love seeing God at work through the church.
Phil Wagler
Title & congregation: lead pastor, Kelowna (B.C.) Gospel Fellowship
Start: Sept. 1, 2019
Education: BRE, Emmanuel Bible College, Kitchener, Ont.; MCS, Tyndale Seminary, Toronto; Arrow Leadership Program
Previous ministry: training and mobilization lead, Multiply; lead pastor, Gracepoint Community Church, Surrey, B.C.
Family: Jen; 6 children
On the church: I love seeing a people, rooted and united in Jesus as Lord, engaging the world as the missionaries of the King.
Mark Burch
Title & congregation: executive pastor for multiplication, Northview
Start: July 1, 2019
Education: BRE, Briercrest, Caronport, Sask.; masters studies, Bakke Graduate University, Dallas, Tex., and ACTS Seminaries, Langley, B.C.
Previous ministry: senior pastor, Arnold Community Church, Abbotsford, B.C., Willow Park Church, Kelowna, B.C., Maple Ridge (B.C.) Baptist Church; and 8 years with church planting (Church Planting B.C./the C2C Network/Multiply)
Family: Karolyn; 3 adult children; 6 grandchildren
On the church: Everyone has a story. God orchestrated mine to give me a deep love for the Word of God and the local church. I love watching people grow in their hunger for the Word and seeing the growth of the church that results from faithful exposition of the Word and the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives!
Randy Chase, associate pastor of adult discipleship, Parliament Community Church, Regina (2014–2019).
Sabrina Wiens, director of family & community services, Scott Street Church (May 2008–June 2019).
Norm Funk, lead pastor, Westside Church, Vancouver (2007–2019).
Russ Toews, lead pastor, Westwood Community Church, Winnipeg (2013–2019).
City Life Church, Abbotsford, B.C., closed in 2019. The church plant began Sept. 11, 2016, under the leadership of Jon Wiebe, and was accepted into the BC conference May 2017. Co-pastored by Jon Wiebe and Adam Wiggins, City Life Church had an average attendance of 60 in 2019.
Discovery Church of Ridge Meadows, Maple Ridge, B.C., closed Feb. 28, 2019. Begun under the BCMB board of church extension in 1997 with Dan Warkentin as pastor, Discovery Church had an average attendance of 80–90 in the first year. Trevor Stearns became pastor in 2003. In 2019, the church had 25 members with an average attendance of 60.
Main Centre (Sask.) MB Church closed with a celebration service and lunch June 9, 2019. This 115-year-old church “sent a significant number of missionaries worldwide, sent countless leaders to serve, and continues to send out transformative ripples of ministry,” says SKMB director of ministry Philip Gunther. Benjamin Janz and 15 charter members from Steinbach, Man., began the congregation in 1904. Membership peaked in 1937 at 239. In 2019, the lay-led congregation discerned that their numbers did not warrant ongoing formal Sunday services. Members of the church continue to impact their community and beyond.
Community News
Seeking a name that declares to the community where they find hope and to whom the church belongs, Port Rowan (Ont.) MB Church changed their name to Living Hope Bible Church Sept 8, 2019. The new name reminds them of who they come to worship each Sunday, pointing to the source of hope, the living God (1 Peter 1:3–5), and to the Bible as their source for truth.
After transitioning out of Eastview Community Church for a year and a half, One88 Community Church became an independent congregation Aug. 2, 2019. Planted in 2012 by Eastview Community Church in conjunction with MBCM, One88 is led by pastor Dave Ens and chaplain Greg Armstrong. Located at the edge of Winnipeg’s downtown, the mission of One88 is “to be present with those who live at the margins of society, creating space for people to meet Jesus.”
Carin Van Den Berg joined the Multiply team in February 2019 as director of human resources. Carin is also serving on an interim basis on the executive team, along with current members Randy Friesen, Larry Neufeld, Doug Penner, and Selwyn Uittenbosch.
Transitions in your ministry? Let us know. mbherald@mbchurches.ca.