The Spirit of God is upon you and has anointed you.
You are the salt of the earth and you bring light to the world.
You are not too young or too old,
you are not too rich or too needy
to bring good news to the impoverished,
to give a hand to the broken-hearted,
and to live out freedom and pardon
through the gifts you have been given.
So remember to pack peace in your toolbox,
hope in your briefcase,
love in your lunch box,
and may integrity, honesty, and joy be your designer wear of choice.
Do not be frightened, for you are never alone.
The God in whose image you are made
will walk with you and guide you today, tomorrow, and every day.
Connie Epp
is a member of River East Church, Winnipeg.
This prayer is also posted on re:Worship – Scripturally-based resources for worship planners and leaders
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