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Updates to staff teams

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C2C Network/Multiply

The merger of C2C Network and MB Mission into a joint culturally competent church planting entity results in some changes in job titles.

“The deliverables from C2C/Multiply will continue to be the same for people in our MB churches,” says Mark Burch, now North America director. “We continue to assess, coach, train and support church planters.”

Yet there are some considerable changes below the surface – which he views positively, he says. MB Mission brings expertise in raising up Indigenous workers in international contexts. Burch sees this as a timely skill for the Canadian church which has the opportunity to empower new Canadian Christians to serve and lead in their own cultural idiom in affinity churches in Canada. It’s also strategic as C2C/Multiply makes church planting among Indigenous people in Canada a priority.

“We’ll still assess Caucasian leaders to reach out on reserves or Indigenous communities, but the end goal is to find Indigenous workers who will reach their own people,” Burch says.

He also sees opportunity from MB Mission’s short-term programs.

Currently, those one-week to one-year long programs are a conduit for identifying young people with an aptitude and calling for international ministry. C2C/Multiply’s participation can allow them to watch for those who could become church planters in Canada as well.

Finally, the Collaborative Model voted in as a structure for the Canadian Conference of MB Churches at Gathering in July  will be guided by a national ministry team, on which Mark Burch will represent C2C/Multiply, giving them continued opportunity to speak into the vision and future of Canadian MB churches.

New roles at C2C/Multiply


Randy Friesen

Executive vice president:

Gord Fleming

North America director of church planting:

Mark Burch

Associate Canadian director:

Ron Leonard

U.S. mobilizer:

Scott Thomas (part-time)

U.S. mobilizer:

Chris Douglas

B.C. and Yukon regional co-director:

Reg Toews (pastor, Greendale MB Church, Chilliwack, B.C., 1996–2016)

B.C. and Yukon regional co-director:

Kristian Martens (church planter, Reality Vancouver, 2008–2018)

Assessment Centre administration:

Diane Douglas


As the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches restructures for the Collaborative Model, a direction affirmed at Gathering 2018, national director Elton DaSilva introduced several staff transitions.

Kara Friesen began as CCMBC executive assistant Aug. 1, 2018, managing administrative tasks for DaSilva, the Executive Board, and the Board of Faith and Life. She served MB Mission as office administrator and short-term mission coordinator since 2011.

Carson Samson became CCBMC operations and communications director Sept. 4, 2018. Carson has served the Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba as director of church relations since January 2014. Carson and Donna Lee have 2 children.

Elenore Doerksen transitioned from CCMBC communications team leader to mortgage and fund accounts manager with CCMBC Legacy Fund Inc., in September 2018.

Helga Kasdorf takes on the responsibilities of events coordinator.

In B.C., Ron van Akker said goodbye to the B.C. Mennonite Brethren conference team to return to pastoral ministry at Central Community Church, Chilliwack, B.C., as executive pastor.

Read also mbherald.com/transitions-fall-2018

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