Unworthy But Chosen of God – The Story of Nettie Berg
Elfrieda Dick, editor and compiler
A compilation of verbal snapshots of a life committed to God, Unworthy but Chosen of God contains stories of Nettie Berg’s experiences working in a hospital, interactions with many people, and lesson illustrations. Nettie served many years as a nurse and literature manager with MB Mission in DR Congo. She also used her linguistic skills to translate passages of the Bible into Kituba, wrote sermons, and illustrated teaching lessons for African pastors. After returning to Canada, Nettie wrote for the Mailbox Bible Club. She also contributed to the MB Herald children’s page and Mennonitische Rundschau. Vision and willingness, together with a gentle spirit and convicting faith, transformed what Nettie perceived as a handicap (shyness) into a quiet blessing for many. This book is appropriate for all ages.
Donations above expenses go toward resourcing MB pastors in DR Congo
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