Dear God,
Help us bring peace to this world
Forgive us for disagreements
Refresh and renew us
Dear God,
Bring us honesty
Remind us of family and respect
Dear God,
I pray for anyone who is seeking peace to find it, and for you to guide them to it.
I also pray for anyone experiencing hard times or who is sick, help them mentally and/or physically,
I pray that everyone in the world is happy
Dear God, I pray that my friend Daniel will play roblox tomorrow
Dear God, I pray that this prayer makes it in.
Dear God, thank you for food and the food bank!
Dear God, help the people in the world that are still looking for peace or for you help them to find the places in the world that are good.
Thank you for the food bank that is helping people stay nourished and bless the people that work there.
Can you help the people that are at the hospital for medical issues and help the doctors and the nurses do well to help them.
Thank you for creative, strong, women, who hold up half the sky.
For water protectors and language carriers and serpent-stompers
Kevin Guenther Trautwein is associate pastor for strategic initiatives at Lendrum Mennonite Church. These prayers come from children at the church’s Peace Club who responded to an invitation to write prayers for peace.