Counting the cost of adoption
Re “It’s not about adoption; it’s about the gospel” (Features, November). Thanks for this honest portrayal of the joys and challenges that often accompany adoption.
We have fostered children who came to us from failed adoptions. We’ve seen the mistrust, confusion and rage that accompany broken promises.
Well-meaning but unprepared evangelical Christian couples who make commitments of providing a “forever home” to vulnerable children need to count the cost and examine deeply their own motivations. Eager adoption workers and admiring Christian friends can cloud the careful evaluation and soul searching that needs to take place. Far too many adoptions in Christian homes are breaking down.
In spite of these facts, I firmly believe more Christian families should adopt when they are called by God to do so and are well prepared.
Name withheld by request
Letters to the editor
Mennonite Brethren Herald welcomes your letters of 150–200 words on issues relevant to the Mennonite Brethren church, especially in response to material published in the Herald. Please include name, address and phone number, and keep your letters courteous and about one subject only. We will edit letters for length and clarity. We will not publish letters sent anonymously, although we may withhold names from publication at the request of the letter writer and at our discretion. Publication is subject to space limitations. Letters also appear online. Because the Letters column is a free forum for discussion, it should be understood that letters represent the position of the letter writer, not necessarily the position of the Herald or the Mennonite Brethren church. Send letters to: Letters, MB Herald, 1310 Taylor Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3M 3Z6, or by email to