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Fascinating stories of our churches

Thank you for the Herald’s 50th anniversary edition (January). I especially appreciated how different churches across Canada reach out. I also like the current book reviews. However, the review for Dysfunctional: The Rick Langlais Story was far too lengthy because it didn’t give a strong recommendation for the book.

Elizabeth G. Klassen

Abbotsford, B.C.

Best wishes from Portugal

Re Anniversary edition (January). 50 years is a great achievement, and it’s great to see that you’re at “full speed,” reaching out not only to Canada but the global world. Please receive my best personal wishes, and also on behalf of Portugal MB Conference AIMP. We look forward to celebrating your next milestone – 75 years and then, why not, 100 years! Blessings from the Lord.

José Arrais
AIMP President
Lisbon, Portugal

Kudos on issue

Kudos on your issue Navigating the waters: Charting the evangelical Anabaptist current (February). The front cover got my attention. Great photography and caption! Two canoes highlight the discussion on the two themes. The repeated use of kayak pictures in the issue was appropriate. But why did the writers capitalize “Anabaptist” but not “evangelical”?

David Dueck
Winnipeg, Man.

Editor’s Note: “Anabaptism” s capitalized because it’s the name of a recognizable movement, with relatively clear dates, history, and theology. “Evangelicalism,” while a recognizable movement, is still quite nebulous and difficult to define or chart, even among its supporters. Thus, the lower-case “e.” Using these same guidelines, we capitalize “Reformed” but not “emerging church.”

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