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Advertising a godsend

Re “And now a word from our advertisers” (Editorial, August). Your recent editorial discussed the merits of advertising. My family spent a year in an Eastern bloc country during the Communist era. There was very little advertising anywhere, and I realized how valuable it is. There was no way to find out what was for sale, where, for how much, or what else might be a better choice.

As for the ads in the Herald: our insurance company recently told my wife that the cost of our house insurance would more than double because they no longer regarded her tiny music business as a home business. A couple days later, while we were contemplating what to do, the Herald arrived with an advertisement for Max Canada. We now have the same coverage as last year at the same price.

Alan T. Chattaway
Surrey, B.C.


Sad to lose photos

Re Baptisms (September). I’m disappointed to hear that you are discontinuing the pictures with baptism notices. It’s a highlight for me to look at the pictures of our church family across Canada. On the other hand, I like the new look of the Crosscurrents pages, and I think putting the full reviews online is a smart move.

Rebekah Doerksen
Winnipeg, Man.

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