“God, we thank you for your harvest which feeds us so many times each day…. We thank you too for filling us with the water of life. May we drink deeply…”
From Harvest to Hope is the Canadian Foodgrains Bank’s downloadable worship service packet for World Food Day, Oct. 16, 2015. Learn how you can pray, give and advocate. From Scripture readings to children’s activities to hashtags, the guide can help you engage with hunger and food security issues.
“The commitment not to fear expresses deep confidence in our foundation and source of ultimate truth…. Regardless of the extent of the earthquake in our lives (personal or national)… ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.’” [Psalm 46]
Crossing to the other side: Living as people of peace in a time of fear and terror is Mennonite Central Committee’s downloadable worship service packet for Peace Sunday 2015. Reflections on Mark 4:35–5:13, Romans 12:9–21 and Psalm 46 explore the theme of peace in a time of fear. The guide contains readings and prayers and a children’s drama for worship services. It also tells 10 stories of peace in the face of fear, such as Colombian Mennonite Brethren pastors who steadfastly support the local rice industry despite death threats from paramilitaries.
“Hope is similar to a seed in that it contains more than we can ever imagine. Thirteen times in 2 Samuel 7:9–17, the LORD says He will act on the hope of David to do more than the king envisioned…. Advent is a time to celebrate with anticipation this expansive, explosive hope that has been revealed to us in and through Jesus Christ.”
Hear the story: for the Advent season, MB Biblical Seminary and Kindred Productions have partnered to offer 27 devotionals written by pastors and leaders from across Canada to focus our hope on the coming of Jesus Christ. Hard copies can be pre-ordered until Oct. 9, 2015.
“He has told you, mortals, what is good in His sight. What else does the Eternal ask of you but to live justly and to love kindness and to walk with your True God in all humility?” [Micah 6:8]
January 2016, the MB Herald will once again contain a daily guide to a week of prayer in the new year, with reflections focused on God’ call for justice. The guide will be available for download in December 2015.
Week of prayer, Canadian Conference of MB Churches