Home MB Herald Camp reports: More than Kumbaya and s’mores

Camp reports: More than Kumbaya and s’mores

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One of my favourite things about camping ministry is watching kids grow up into adults who love God intentionally. Michael is one such person. A camper at Evergreen since he was in elementary school, Michael was one of our assistant program directors this summer. One Sparks & Explorers (Grades 1–4) week, he suited up each chapel with backpack and walking stick, and talked through Bible stories, and stories from his own life to explain how God is faithful, God is love, and God is good.

A mother reported that her son, a camper the week Michael spoke, exclaimed to her when he got home, “Mom, did you know that God actually is love?” It was amazing to see Michael’s courage as a first-time speaker and to see how God used him to communicate truth.

—Kerry Precht, director, Camp Evergreen

Gardom Lake Bible Camp
& Retreat Centre

Enderby, B.C.
Director: Rikk Kieft

Weeks of camp: 8
Programs operating: 15
Total campers: 1,100
Ages: 6–16

5 year-round staff
64 summer staff
54 junior summer staff

In its third summer running, Encounter camp attracted 126 campers for the back-to-basics experience of sleeping in tents and cooking their own food. Campers dined under a new covered eating area, and staff enjoyed a new covered cooking area and a tree house for meetings.


Campfire Ministries / Camp Bob

Roberts Lake, Vancouver Island, B.C.
Director: Les Klassen

Week-long camps: 7
Total campers: 184
Ages: 7–17

3-week Campfire Leadership Training (CLT) camps: 2
1-week Adventure Challenge (backcountry/mountaineering adventure for 16+): 1

CLT participants: 27
Campers receiving financial/bursary assistance: 36

1 year-round staff person
31 summer volunteer staff

This year, Les Klassen became the first full-time executive director (support-funded position), and food was provided for all campers (campers brought their own in previous years).


Camp Evergreen

Sundre, Alta.
Director: Kerry Precht

Weeks of camp: 7
Programs operating: 23
Total campers: 664

6 management and 4 support staff year-round
83 summer staff

Camp Likely

Williams Lake, B.C.
Directors: Scott and Sherri Fraser

Weeks of camp: 5
Total campers: 174
Ages: 6–16

1 year-round staff person
43 summer staff

Pines Bible Camp

Grand Forks, B.C.
Director: Gene Krahn

Weeks of camp: 9
Programs operating: 10
Total campers: 1,229
Ages: 5–17

6 year-round staff
65 summer staff
250 volunteers

Pines partners with the Kootenay Camp and Retreat Society (formed when a Pentecostal denominational camp near Nelson, B.C. closed) for 3 camps each summer. Pines provides the facility, meals, and program staff while Kootenay provides cabin leaders and coordinates chapels and Bible studies.

Simonhouse Bible Camp

Cranberry Portage, Man.
Director: Darrell Janzen

Total camps: 5.5
Total campers: 366 + 2 weekend youth retreats
Ages: 6–18

1 year-round staff + 1 on term until Feb.
54 summer staff

A massive forest fire threatened Simonhouse this spring and forced evacuations. All critical structures were spared and there were no fatalities in the region. Staff returned to camp 3 days prior to the first event and no programs were cancelled. Simonhouse is grateful for the effort and resources Manitoba Conservation gave, and prays that locals – who had to choose what to take and what to leave – will continue to consider what is important in life.

Camp Crossroads

Torrance, Ont.
Director: Andrew Hiebert

Weeks of camp: 10
Programs operating: 16
Total campers: 861
Total families: 113
Ages: 8–18

Family camp: 3.5 weeks
Children’s programming: 6 weeks

5 year-round staff
300 summer staff
250 summer volunteers

Camp Crossroads lengthened the Leaders in Training (LIT) program to 2.5 weeks, hired an LT director, and partnered the LIT program with several churches in St. Catharines to help them start a local day camp. The facility added a 3D archery range and new elements to the ropes course.

Stillwood Camp and Conference Centre

Lindell Beach, B.C.
Director: Harry Edwards

Total camps: 9
Total campers: 2,676
Ages: 5–16 yrs

Week-long residential camps: 6
2-night Pee Wee camp: 1
Day camp: 3

35 year-round staff
220 summer staff

Beyond Boundaries, a program for children with autism, was a new addition to Stillwood’s offerings this summer.

West Bank Bible Camp

Swift Current, Sask.
Director: Jerry Dennill

Week-long camps: 6
Total campers: 601
Ages: 8–18, 55+

2-day camps: 6–7 year-olds
3-day camps: 55+, family, Western trail ride

1 year-round staff
34 summer staff serving 1–17 weeks
100 summer volunteers

This year, West Bank offered 3 Sunday services for families camping at Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park. Next summer, they will host a satellite day camp for children staying at the park. Also new, windsurfing was offered at Young Teen camp.


Redberry Bible Camp

Near Blaine Lake, Sask.
Director: Wendell Andres

Weeks of camp: 7.5
Programs operating: 11
Ages: 6–22

2-night Little Boots camp: 1
2-week Leader in Training program: 2

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