The “gap year” – when a young person takes time to travel and experience new things during the period between graduating high school and starting university – has been an …
Stories of love, hope, community, and transformation characterized the 2012/2013 Outtatown Discipleship School graduation celebration Apr. 14 as 61 young people graduated from the program.
On the weekend of Apr. 20–Apr. 22, Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, formally recognized the accomplishments of its students during its 2012 graduation exercises. Bachelor degrees were awarded to 78, program …
Waldheim (Sask.) MB Church’s lead pastor Greg Wiens describes himself as “more of a hands-on pastor” than an “overly spiritualized person.” But when a recurring dream plagued him after reading …
“You face a different world than graduates did a year ago,” Dr. Nettie Wiebe told graduates of Canadian Mennonite University Apr. 26. She warned of a failing economy, job losses, …
Sixty-two graduates received arts, music, music therapy, and church ministries degrees from Canadian Mennonite University at its eighth annual commencement exercises Apr. 20.