Pilgrim Year (series) Steve Bell Novalis In the Worship Arts program at Columbia Bible College, students often encounter the practice of the liturgical year for the first time. Although they …
John 1:19–34 When was your last adventure in the wilderness and what was your best moment? Three days into a trip on the waters of Northern Saskatchewan, I peer over …
More on Lent What I like about Lent The addition and subtraction of Lent “On the Lent” Gifts from U2 and from God Why Lent, why Now?
Acts 2:14–24 “Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21). Why? Why is salvation available only to those who respond by calling on …
The addition and subtraction of Lent Seasons of seeking God, and elevated intentionality in spiritual practices like Lent or Advent are useful. “Grace removes earning; it does not remove effort,” …
There is a man who played electric guitar for years in our Sunday services. During the other days of the week, he can be heard reliving classic rock tunes with …
There were certain traditions in my Mennonite Brethren upbringing; Lent wasn’t one of them. So why Lent, and why now? I’ve wrestled with this. Here’s my answer: my main motivation …
“The resurrection changes everything,” says Jeff Peters, director of advancement at MB Biblical Seminary Canada. “Christians should spend time contemplating and celebrating this pivotal event.” The seminary has produced a …
Lent was not part of my experience growing up in a Mennonite church. It was something that “others” did (read: Catholics), and when one is young, what those others do …
The church has historically focused the 40 days leading up to Easter (mirroring Jesus’ 40 days of temptation in the wilderness in preparation for his ministry) on three aspects of discipleship: …
During the season of Lent, Scott Street MB Church offered refreshment – Scripture reading – in the sanctuary each morning, Monday through Thursday. Pastor Jim Cober read four or five …
A number of years ago, my seven-year-old nephew invited a friend over to play. When asked if he would like some pop to drink with lunch, he responded, “No.”
Lent is celebrated as 40 days of fasting leading to Easter, imitating Christ’s 40-day withdrawal to the wilderness. Western tradition excludes Sundays from the fact, in celebration of the resurrection.
We’re now in the season of Lent – going up to Jerusalem, as it were, with Jesus. When we check the route (in the so-called Travel Narrative of Luke’s Gospel, …