Title: Toward an Anabaptist Political Theology Author: A. James Reimer Reimer develops a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between church and society so that the church might more effectively …
John Howard Yoder
Real Christian Fellowship Author: John Howard Yoder, edited by John C. Nugent, Branson L. Parler, Heather L. Bunce How do we have meaningful fellowship with others? Today, more people live …
Revolutionary Christian Citizenship Author: John Howard Yoder Temporarily residing in the United States brings some light to what makes a Canadian “Canadian” and an American “American.” For example, I’ve noticed …
- NewsPeople and Events
MennoMedia to include “publisher’s statement” in John Howard Yoder books
by ContributorThe board and staff of MennoMedia, the publishing agency for Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada, have issued a statement regarding the continued publication of John Howard Yoder books …
Time has its way. As does the Spirit. The accelerating interest in and widespread appreciation for John Howard Yoder’s theological work has also provoked renewed calls for the Mennonite church, …
Radical Christian Discipleship by John Howard Yoder, edited by John Nugent, Andy Alexis Baker, Branson L Parler Repacking previously unpublished speeches and writings of the late Anabaptist theologian and ethicist …
Defending ConstantineAuthor: Peter J. LeithartJesus inaugurated Christianity; Constantine inaugurated Christendom. This is a story that needs telling again.
Beyond Suspicion: Post-Christendom Protestant Political Theology in John Howard Yoder and Oliver O’DonovanAuthor: Paul DoerksenWinnipeg theologian Paul Doerksen has written a very well-informed analysis of the political theology of John …