Title: Unsettling Truths: The on-going, dehumanizing legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery. Author: Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah This book shines a damning light on the “Doctrine of Discovery,” the …
Article 12
Title: Toward an Anabaptist Political Theology Author: A. James Reimer Reimer develops a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between church and society so that the church might more effectively …
Title: Peacemaking: A Community Workbook Author: Matt Balcarras This workbook encourages everyday peacemaking around kitchen tables, on the playground and at the PTA, in the pew, and at the poll …
Commentary calls for allegiance to Messiah’s reign Believers Church Bible Commentary: Philippians Gordon Zerbe Herald Press Reviewed by Eric Jordan Doerksen What is the subject? Gordon Zerbe’s commentary on the …
What we believe What do Mennonite Brethren believe? Does our theology have any emphases that are different from the theology of other Christian denominations? We continue our series looking at …