Our hearts are torn by events in many places in our world today but especially in Ukraine and Afghanistan. The eyes of the world turn to Ukraine as Russian forces invade, leaving death and destruction in their wake. Millions of Ukrainian citizens flee, seeking shelter in neighbouring lands. For some Mennonite Brethren, this brings back 100-year old memories of ancestors fleeing persecution in Russian Ukraine, landing in parts of North and South America. For most of us, it’s hard to fathom the atrocities of war, the pain of displacement. Despite the onslaught of real-time video and news coverage, we remain isolated from the realities of war and violent afflictions.
Afghan Christians find themselves in a very similar situation as the Ukrainians. They are terrorized and oppressed by the Taliban, forced to leave their homes and loved ones searching for safety.
Canadian churches are barely back on their feet, not yet recovering from the sweeping effects of the Coronavirus pandemic. And now, in what feels like a blink of an eye, the world turned upside down. Prepared or not, Canadian MBs must answer the call to help our brothers and sisters from across the globe.
In this month’s issue, we focus on the plight of those in the middle of the conflict. We’re grateful to interim NFLT Director Ken Esau and staff writer Holly Hannigan’s pieces on pages five and six. On page 18, John Longhurst spotlights a growing contingent of Anabaptist denominations, banding together to bring Afghan Christians into Canada.
But we implore that you do more than reading and reflecting: Reach out to our partners at MCC and Multiply and become part of these relief and resettlement efforts. Visit the links in the sidebar to find out how.
In this Lenton season, as we adjust our diets, put aside our cellphones and log off Instagram, may we place ourselves in a genuine posture of openness and surrender. Just as Christ Jesus sacrificed all so that we may be saved, what must we forfeit for the sake of others?
As always, my gratitude to this issue’s contributors and advertisers. And to you reader, I pray God’s arm of protection over you in troubling times.
With respect,
Carson Samson