This month’s Herald contains a variety of articles, news, views, and art we hope will become part of your spiritual refreshment this summer, whether at home or on holiday. There’s an ode to how God works in animation by Ken Priebe, a small and honest slice of life from Katie Funk Wiebe’s new memoir, lessons Dorothy Siebert learned about meddling, and more.
About the poem (page 15): Some time ago I read an article in Canadian Mennonite by Canadian poet D.S. Martin, encouraging us to make room in our lives for poetry, even if we’ve had the joy of it robbed by academics or are afraid of “not getting it.” It occurred to me that Christian periodicals might take some responsibility as well, and offer, more frequently than they generally do, a poem in their pages, so readers can exercise the attentiveness poetry inspires. This month, it’s a pleasure to carry one of my own favourites, Denise Levertov’s “Patience.” I cannot read this poem without being warmed again by what it leads me to, by intimation – the “knowledge” in Christ upon which all our waiting (for God’s ultimate purpose to be fulfilled) so deeply depends.
—Dora Dueck