This past summer, Canadian and U.S. Mennonite Brethren gathered in B.C. to celebrate the 150th birthday of the MB church. Canadian MBs also celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Canadian conference. It was a rich week in which MBs looked to the past, took stock of the present, and moved towards the future.
MBs recalled once more that we have a rich history of mission and a legacy of strong leaders committed to ongoing growth and renewal. MBs were also reminded that churches and conferences are struggling to remain connected when it comes to matters administrative, theological, and relational. Yet MBs remembered that despite the significant challenges in the future – the design of a Canadian MB seminary, the stewardship of multimillion dollar initiatives – we have hope in Christ, who continues to extend his reign on earth.
Collaborating with Christian Leader staff (the U.S. MB magazine), the Herald staff worked tirelessly to report on this once in a lifetime event. The team (listed below) deserve a special thanks:
Karla Braun – MB Herald associate editor
Barrie McMaster – MB Herald BC regional correspondent
Kyle Thomas – CCMBC photographer
Connie Faber – Christian Leader editor
Myra Holmes – Christian Leader assistant editor
Of course, the pages to follow provide only a portrait, or a collection of snapshots, of both Celebration 2010 and Gathering 2010. Those who wish to see more of the details up close can go online to join the conversation. Blog posts and discussions about the Renewing Identity and Mission consultation can be found at More reflections on Celebration 2010 can be found at
In any case, we hope you enjoy thumbing through our photo album!
–J Janzen