Spring is here and with spring comes new life and growth. Things are greener, more vibrant and colourful. Spring brings to mind thoughts of rebirth, renewal, and regrowth. After a long winter of cold, and in a sense, death, we see life “springing up!” I love to gaze on the beauty of spring in the world God created. Along with spring comes Easter and the time of remembering how Jesus died and came to life again.
Why did Jesus die?
Jesus died because it was the only way God could destroy sin, and not destroy his children whose hearts were filled with sin. God gave us the Bible as his guideline for life. Let’s look at what it has to say about sin. Romans 3:23–24 tells us, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins” (NLT).
We all do wrong and hurtful things – called sin – and that separates us from God, who is holy, meaning perfect. God loved us so much that he didn’t want anything to get between us and his love, so he chose to provide his son Jesus – who was perfect – to take the punishment for sin.
This is good news! When we do something wrong such as disobey our parents, lie, or cheat on a test, it is up to us to do or say something to make things right again. But we cannot do enough good things to make up for our sin that separates us from God. Because God loves us so much, he provided the answer – Jesus died and came to life again for you and me.
During winter, the beauty of the grass and flowers are not around; they have died so their seeds can bring new life in spring. Jesus dying on the cross is like that; because he died and rose again, we can have new life and freedom from sin. Let’s say yes to his gift.