Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations
Alex Harris and Brett Harris
Waterbrook Multnomah, 2008
241 pages (Also available as e-book)
Written by teenagers for teenagers, this is one of the most inspiring books I have read recently: a rebellion against the low expectations adults have of teenagers (and they of themselves!).
“We can do significant things,” is 18-year-old twins Alex and Brett’s call to their fellow teens – things like planning big projects, working as campaign managers for politicians, and getting involved in causes like the pro-life movement. At the same time, it’s a very evangelical book (including a clear gospel presentation in the last chapter).
“Don’t wait until after high school graduation to do significant, culture-impacting things for God!” The myth of adolescence says teenagers don’t need to do (or worry about doing) responsible things – even great things – until after high school. These two young men are rebelling against this cultural norm with their “rebelution.”
This book is a must-read for youth pastors, parents, and especially high schoolers who are sick and tired of coasting through life, pampered, and amused to death.
Note: The twins released a follow-up guide Start Here: Doing Hard Things Right Where You Are in 2010 with more strategies for action, and stories and insights from other “rebelutionaries.” Videos, news on publicity tours, new books, and a discussion forum can be found at