Church Planting BC appointed Chris Douglas as associate director to replace Mark Burch, who resigned to return to the pastorate. A former Central Heights Church (MB) pastor, Chris will direct and support church planting efforts in the province. He took office in October, picking up mentoring and supervisory duties in the Vancouver church planting hubs and other B.C. sites. Burch has accepted a call to pastor Maple Ridge (B.C.) Baptist Church in the Fraser Valley.
Benjamin Jepsen began as associate youth pastor Sept. 5, at Gospel Chapel (MB), Grand Forks, B.C. He completed a 4-year BA at Briercrest College with a major in youth ministry and a minor in psychology. He has worked as a camp counsellor at Camp Imadene and Pines Bible Camp, interned in the youth program at Gospel Chapel, and held leadership roles at Briercrest, in Christian Service Brigade, and during his years at youth. Ben is engaged to Shayna Martin.
Carl Garber began as associate pastor at Vauxhall (Alta.) MB Church Aug. 8. A recent graduate of Bethany College, Hepburn, Sask., with a BA in biblical and theological studies, he has served as camp counsellor at Camp Evergreen and Camp Chestermere, and as youth sponsor at several churches. Carl is married to Kelsey.
The U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches hired Myra Holmes as social media coordinator, replacing Justin Salters. Myra began her duties Sept. 16. She holds a degree in English from Tabor College, Hillsboro, Kan., and also serves as assistant editor for the Christian Leader. Myra and Ed are active at Trailhead Church, an MB church plant in Centennial, Colo. They have two college-age daughters.
The U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches hired Derk Madden as part-time director of development. Derk began Sept. 15, from Collinsville, Okla., where he is lead pastor of Discovery Bible Fellowship (MB). He is a graduate of University of Notre Dame with a degree in business management and of Western Seminary with an MDiv. Additionally, he is a candidate for a DMin with Talbot Seminary. Prior to entering pastoral ministry in 1992, Derk worked as a financial analyst for Amdahl Corporation for 3 years. Derk and Connie have 4 children.
Bobby Klassen began as pastor of student ministry at Steinbach (Man.) MB Church Sept. 6. He holds a BA from Bethany College, Hepburn, Sask., and is currently working toward an MA at Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg. He previously served as associate pastor of youth ministries at Coaldale (Alta.) MB Church. Bobby and Kristy have 3 children.
Johannes Weber started as associate pastor for worship at King Road MB Church, Abbotsford, B.C., Sept. 1. He holds a BA in audio engineering from Middlesex University and an MDiv from ACTS seminaries. He has served as music director in the Baptist church Erloeserkirche Gelsenkirchen, Germany (2001–2004); and as volunteer and intern at King Road (2009–2011).
In June, Terry Fehr completed four years of ministry as youth pastor at Winkler (Man.) MB Church (WMBC). He is now employed in the community as an electrician. In August, WMBC called two new ministry staff. Dan Doerksen has been hired as pastor of family ministry (half-time) and director of senior youth ministry (half-time). Dan graduated from Providence College and Seminary, Otterburne, Man., and served as associate pastor of youth ministry at Winkler’s Evangelical Mennonite Mission Church for 5 years. He and Rhonda have 1 daughter. Rick Friesen joined WMBC staff as director of junior youth ministry (half-time). In 2010–11, Rick participated in an 8-month mentorship program through Youth Unlimited at Hope Foursquare Church, in Snohomish, Wash.