Home PeopleAppointments March Transitions 2012

March Transitions 2012

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George Toews began as lead pastor at Portage Avenue Church, Winnipeg, Jan. 1. He was first ordained there in 1977, then ministered in MB churches in The Pas and Manitou, Man, and at Trinity Mennonite Fellowship, Mather, Man. For the last 11 years, he pastored at Rosenort (Man.) Evangelical Mennonite Church. George holds an MDiv from Providence College, Otterburne, Man. He and Carla have 3 adult children, 4 grandchildren. Travis Reimer, who served as interim pastor at Portage Avenue since 2007, is retiring.


Rod Schellenberg
began as lead pastor at Hepburn (Sask.) MB Church Jan. 16. Currently completing an MCS in interdisciplinary studies at Regent College,  Vancouver, he previously studied philosophy at University of Waterloo, Ont., and theology at Briercrest Bible College, Caronport, Sask. He has worked as a health administrator in Prince George, B.C., and as a philosophy instructor at the College of New Caledonia and University of Northern B.C., Prince George. Rod and Leanne have 2 children.

Kevin Carrigan
began as pastor of young adults and worship at Culloden (MB) Church, Vancouver, Jan. 1. He previously served 5 years as youth and music pastor at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Duncan, B.C. Kevin attended Tyndale Bible College, Toronto, and Columbia Bible College, Abbotsford, B.C. He is married to Melanie, a graduate of Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg.

Ernie Bergen (pictured right, with wife Irene) retired Jan. 31, after 34 years of pastoral ministry, the last 10 at Foothills Community (MB) Church, Pincher Creek, Alta. Jim Nightingale (pictured left, with wife Marilou and son Zech) began as lead pastor Feb. 1. Jim has a BRE from Multnomah Bible University, Portland, Ore., and has studied at MBBS, Fresno, Cal., and ACTS, Langley, B.C. Jim and Marilou were MB Mission workers in Brazil and Portugal (1988–1997, 2006–2012), and Jim was director of Redberry Bible Camp, Sask., (2003–2006), and pastor at Yarrow (B.C.) MB Church (1997–2003). They have 5 children.


B.C.’s Camp Likely appointed Kendra Freeland as director, effective Mar. 1. She graduated from Columbia Bible College, Abbotsford, B.C., in youth ministry, having majored in CBC’s outdoor camping program. Cariboo Bethel MB Church in nearby Williams Lake, B.C., will augment the part-time director position with part-time employment in their youth ministry until the summer. Kendra started camping with Girl Guides as a young girl in Ontario, and has been involved in leadership positions with 6 camps, most recently at Sylvan Lake, Alta. She comes to Likely with experience in wilderness program direction, having rounded out her administrative background working as an intern in the business side of camping.

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