Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall meet God.
Blessed are those who are personally informed of previous recommendations and reports: for they will make intelligent contributions.
Blessed are those whose scope transcends localism: for they shall contribute to the total effort of the Church of God.
Blessed are those who foster the brotherhood spirit by cultivating the fellowship of brethren: for they shall be inwardly renewed.
Blessed are the delegates who lift up holy hands for leaders, committees, and the deliberations: for theirs are the promises of God.
Blessed are those who distinguish between principles and personalities and remain objective in their appraisal of the issues: for their wisdom shall be used of the Lord.
Blessed are those who bear personal defeat on the conference floor in love: for they shall truly advance the kingdom of God.
Blessed are those who are genuinely appreciative of the hospitality and services rendered by the local church: for they shall rise up and call others blessed.