Title: Finding Holy in the Suburbs: Living Faithfully in the Land of Too Much Author: Ashley Hales
“By being in church every October 31, I’ve missed a really good opportunity to encourage our neighbourhood,” says Leonard Klassen. King Road Church in Abbotsford, B.C., has traditionally hosted a …
“Drop in any time!” I waved goodbye to our guests, then closed the door and slumped against the wall, bleakly surveying the detritus left in their wake. What a mess. …
From Mar. 21 to Apr. 4, 2015, parent and chaperone Sheila Peters and I led a group of 10 MB Collegiate Institute students on a study tour of the Holy …
I was introduced to The Table in May of 1991. Our family had just moved to Nova Scotia, and at the end of a “welcome-to-town” shower, a young man approached …
Strangers at My Door: A True Story of Finding Jesus in Unexpected Guests Author: Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove Yes, stories are one of the book’s strengths, but to describe it as simply …
My brother and I wander through the bustling old market. It’s a struggle to wend our way through hordes of people, motorcycles, and cars. The aromas of fish, spices, perfumes, …
Lessons in hospitality from the International Volunteer Exchange Program The Born household on the west side of Abbotsford looks somewhat different than the average Canadian household. The dozen adults – …
Four snapshots of radical welcome Lush wreaths, shimmering candles, and the scent of apple cider usher in the holiday season. Special events, celebrations, and meaningful services fill social calendars. ’Tis …
In the small town where I grew up, where half of the seven churches were Mennonite, there were two main groups in school: those who went to church and those …