Home News PCO 2024: Rain, hail, and hot springs!

PCO 2024: Rain, hail, and hot springs!

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More than 70 new pastors, provincial leaders, and CCMBC staff met together in the Fraser Valley for PCO 2024 (Pastors Credentialing Orientation) — a yearly event to orientate and welcome new pastors joining our Mennonite Brethren family. This CCMBC-sponsored event drew new pastors, both men and women, from Whistler, BC to Borden, Saskatchewan to Montreal, Quebec.

Some were younger pastors just beginning their ministry journeys while others were seasoned pastors joining our MB family after lengthy tenures of service in a different denomination family. There was also a wonderful mix of ethnic backgrounds reminiscent of the Kingdom picture from Revelation 7:9 of people from “every tribe, nation, people, and language” joining together for corporate worship. They spent two and a half days worshipping, learning, talking in small groups, laughing together, walking together, and certainly eating together. New friendships were formed; tough questions asked; and prayers offered to bless churches and leaders across our country.

Participants went on a whirlwind tour geographically from Columbia Bible College to MCC British Columbia to the Multiply offices to Harrison Hot Springs which is the location of Central Community Church’s Harrison campus. They heard presentations about our MB church origins, our MB ministries (and some related ministries), our MB Confession of Faith, our MB biblical interpretation model, our MB commitment to a Jesus-centred leadership model, as well as how to embrace healthy ministry rhythms for the long-term. The group lived through pouring rain, hail, and the sun coming through the clouds which provided almost a metaphor for the many challenges facing all church leaders in today’s world.

All of this concluded with outgoing BCMB Conference Minister Rob Thiessen leading the group through a time of communion, which was followed by a symbolic “graduation ceremony” with clapping and cheering for each new pastor in our family as they received a graduation certificate. Participation at PCO is one part of the provincial credentialing process for new pastors. Each pastor returned home to continue work on their credentialing questionnaire which will be processed during in-person interviews with provincial leaders who are part of provincial faith and life teams.

Remember to pray for these new pastors as they serve King Jesus in all sorts of diverse ministry settings across our country! May the Holy Spirit empower and bless them as they minister there!

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