Home News National Ministry Team Update

National Ministry Team Update

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Members of the National Ministry Team (left to right): Reg Toews (British Columbia), Jason Krueger (Legacy CEO), Ken Esau (CCMBC NFLT), Trevor Seath (Ontario), Phil Gunther (Saskatchewan), Jason Dyck (Manitoba), Paul Loewen (Alberta), Cam Stuart (CCMBC) Mark Wessner (MB Seminary), Richard Lougheed (Quebec) and Bruce Enns (Multiply)

In May 2024, the National Ministry Team (NMT) met at Camp Squeah near Hope, BC. This team consists of all provincial and agency leaders and its mandate is to enable collaborative leadership actions among the senior staff of all CCMBC member organizations in implementing the Collaborative Unified Strategic Plan (CUSP). The NMT fosters and models an attitude of collaboration and unity, inspiring and equipping the Conference toward fulfilling its national vision. The team acts as ambassadors for the denomination and its ministry in Canada, subject to the direction of the Executive Board.

During our time together, we had an important conversation about how the team can best collaborate. We clarified the collaborative vision and discussed what it means to network and share resources for collective impact in reaching Canada.

We also processed together this question: What new initiative would equip our churches to become “healthier disciple-making churches”? We prayerfully sensed a need to develop a grassroots prayer initiative. Each provincial leader committed to connecting with some of their pastors, asking them specific questions to help guide the next steps in developing a national prayer movement.

The NMT discussed our desire to create an intentional disciple-making tool to be utilized by pastors and church leaders. Cam Stuart was tasked with developing a basic vision and concept to present to the NMT. The team would then assess, edit and add to this tool as required.

Michael Dick (CCMBC Executive Board Treasurer) facilitated a discussion on our 2025 budgets and provincial contributions to CCMBC. We also heard encouraging reports from Paul Loewen and Phil Gunther regarding the African congregations that are growing in Canada and their desire to work with the MB Conference.

We are also encouraged by the work that has been done by the NMT and Mark Wessner’s team at MB Seminary on Leadership Front Counter. We are still in need of a funding strategy to launch this resource to serve our churches in developing leaders.

Bruce Enns (General Director of Multiply) explained the growing vision of Multiply to focus on various disciple-making initiatives: sending out missionaries, partnering with nationals and helping disciples multiply globally, nationally and through our local churches.


Members of the National Ministry Team: Reg Toews (British Columbia), Jason Krueger (Legacy CEO), Ken Esau (CCMBC NFLT), Trevor Seath (Ontario), Phil Gunther (Saskatchewan), Jason Dyck (Manitoba), Paul Loewen (Alberta), Cam Stuart (CCMBC) Mark Wessner (MB Seminary), Richard Lougheed (Quebec) and Bruce Enns (Multiply).

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