At the new MARK Centre (MC) on Pender Island in B.C., participants from Mexico, California, India, and Canada gathered in fall for a leaders’ training session on “Listening to God.” Seated next to directors Evy & Steve Klassen (at centre with son Malakai) are (l) Joan Godard with MBMSI in Mexico and (r) Michele Berry. Standing (l–r): Trever Godard (with MBMSI in Mexico), Dorothy Siebert (MC host on Pender Island), Theresa Schroeder (outgoing staff at MC), Rick Berry (MC board member, California), Modam Dini (Baptist missionary in India), Harold Siebert (MC host on Pender Island), four former TREK team workers: Petra & Joel Martin, Steve & Ginny Klassen, and Nadine Frew (former YWAM missionary taking study leave).
—MARK Centre release