Home News May 2024 NFLT in-person meeting highlights

May 2024 NFLT in-person meeting highlights

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Fifteen members of the National Faith & Life Team (NFLT) met together from May 12-14 in a camp setting near Hope, BC to pray and reflect together how to encourage ever-increasing spiritual health and theological unity within our MB church family across the country. For those unfamiliar with the NFLT (formerly the Board of Faith and Life [BFL]): “The National Faith and Life Team exists to articulate and safeguard Mennonite Brethren theological convictions, produce theological and pastoral resources, and provide discernment and guidance on current issues. The National Faith and Life Team stewards the Confession of Faith on behalf of the Conference.”

The following were some of the meeting highlights over those days:

  • The NFLT is exploring ways (in collaboration with provincial MB leaders) of enabling and encouraging every MB credentialed leader toward an increasing level of holistic personal health (viz., spiritually, relationally, theologically, physically, etc.). The hope is that these growth steps will lead to an increase in leadership effectiveness, ministry longevity, and healthy churches on mission.
  • The NFLT has approved in principle a resource entitled: “Loving Well our Trans Neighbours, Friends, and Family” to be made available for MB churches and leaders in the coming months.
  • The NFLT is excited about moving forward with plans for Equip 2025 to be held in Winnipeg from October 21 to 23, 2025. More details to follow.
  • The NFLT is continuing to work on the MB Confession of Faith Resource Update Project and moved forward Article 3: Explanatory Notes, Article 4: Explanatory Notes, and Article 6: Explanatory Notes and Living the Confession (FAQs) to the point where DRAFTS will soon be posted on our CCMBC website inviting further feedback from churches and/or individuals within our family.
  • The NFLT is also exploring how we can best navigate the diversity that exists within our MB family over whether there should or should not be any leadership limits for gifted women leaders within local MB congregations.

Please continue to pray for the National Faith & Life Team members as they work together on the task entrusted to them. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit, that any of this work will produce good fruit in our churches and lead to the furtherance of God’s Kingdom mission in the world!


Members of the National Faith & Life Team present: Richard Lougheed (Quebec), Ken Esau (Director), Kristal Toews (British Columbia), Paul Loewen (Alberta), Rick Schellenberg (Saskatchewan), Trevor Seath (Ontario), Keith Reed (MB Seminary), Ryan Jantzi (Ontario), Jason Dyck (Manitoba), Walter Fast (Manitoba), Connie Maier (Ontario), Matt Unruh (Ontario), Laurence Hiebert (Alberta), Cam Stuart (CCMBC) and Phil Gunther (Saskatchewan).

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