The finance team (including board committees and staff) served for most of 2014 without a CFO, working with diligence and commitment. In December, we celebrated the announcement that Jim Davidson would join CCMBC as interim CFO.
We began working with new auditors (KPMG) and oversaw the implementation of new financial policies and guidelines aimed at increasing transparency and accountability to our constituency.
CCMBC is positioning itself to serve Canadian churches with increasing effectiveness and efficiency. Our finance team, along with our legal and accounting partners (Fillmore Riley and KPMG), have been working on what has been known as our stewardship division. Our efforts have focused on ensuring proper compliance, risk management and governance to ensure that financial resources are maximized for the benefit of churches and members in order to increase ministry impact.
Highlights of 2014
• Welcoming Jim Davidson as interim CFO at the beginning of January 2015.
• Increasing payroll and bookkeeping services for MB churches and conferences.
• Working with partners (provinces, MB Mission, MBBS, other like-minded denominations, particularly The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada, with whom we collaborate in Atlantic Canada and Quebec, and other C2C partner denominations) to maximize our financial resources for ministry impact.
Prayer requests
• Pray for Jim as he becomes part the CCMBC team and familiarizes himself with the inner workings of CCMBC finances.
• Pray for the finance team as they move into a new era of ministry under Jim’s leadership.
• Pray for the financial resources needed for CCMBC to fully support the opportunities God is opening to maximize ministry impact in local churches across Canada.
—Len Penner for the finance team