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Delivering hope door-to-door

Delivering hope door-to-door

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Delivering hope door-to-door

We will continue the face-to-face care, even if the greenhouse runs out of flowers because God knows we need each other in a time like this. – Janet Thiessen

Janet Thiessen (North Langley Community Church, BC) was the recipient of an unexpected call that would put into motion a door to door delivery of the hope of Christ. Janet was given the phone number of a Christian-owned wholesale nursery. The isolating effects of the Coronavirus outbreak put a hamper on their business, forcing the nursery to dispose of most of their inventory of potted plants. Not wanting it to go to waste, the generous nursery owners were looking for places to donate flowers to bring joy to others during these unsettling times.

A large batch of flowers was delivered to the church, including begonias, kalanchoe, and African violets. Janet and a small group of volunteers complied a list of widows, seniors and shut-ins to visit and encourage in the Lord on behalf of North Langley.

Using a protocol one might use to deliver groceries (sanitizing pots and hands, and standing a safe distance from doors), the team embarked on a door-to-door delivery of hope. The response was more than they could have imagined! One recipient said she had forgotten the sound of her doorbell as no one had visited in so long. Another relayed that this was the first “non-technology” conversation she had since the outbreak.

They assumed the deliveries would be quick due to distancing measures, but it was quite the opposite experience. Everyone was home, and all were surprised and grateful to see the friendly flower deliverers. Standing 2-3 meters from doors in the cold rain, Janet cried with lonely widows, listened to stories and prayed for family members. It took almost 3 hours to deliver a dozen flowers one evening.

Deliveries were made to known North langley attendees, who were sad not to share a hug, or hold hands while praying together. Deliveries were also made to people who casually attend the church; in some cases, new friendships with strangers were made at the doorstep.

More than five dozen flowering plants have been delivered to seniors so far. The group will continue making home visits as long as the elderly are confined to their homes, and the team is permitted to safely visit. “We will continue the face-to-face care, even if the greenhouse runs out of flowers because God knows we need each other in a time like this,” says Thiessen.

How is your church spreading joy and hope to others during this season of confinement? Please use the contact form or leave a comment below to send us your stories of hope.

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