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Herald Press has released Stuart Murray’s bestselling The Naked Anabaptist in Spanish. “We didn’t have anything of [its] caliber in Spanish since the time of The Politics of Jesus by John Howard Yoder,” says translator Mauricio Chenlo, who advocated for the Spanish edition and offered his services despite insufficient funding. Chenlo, denominational minister for Mennonite Church USA, adds that translations are not enough: “We need authors, in Spanish, to contextualize Anabaptism in the realities of contemporary Latin Americans and Hispanics.”

—MennoMedia release

Take Me to the Water: God’s Love Flows, the 2012 Vacation Bible School (VBS) curriculum from MennoMedia, the publisher for Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA, features flexible material for age 4–Grade 8, including MP3 music downloads, free online PowerPoint memory verse slideshow, and a take-home children’s calendar. Take Me to the Water, as well as VBS material by Group, Gospel Light, Standard, and more are available through Kindred Productions.

Christian children’s publisher Zonderkidz is enhancing its online connection to young readers, their parents, and teachers through a social media initiative that includes regular Facebook updates, daily tweets, and monthly YouTube videos. Readers may post comments, review products, reply to tweets, and enter contests.



What do you know about the Aboriginal peoples of Canada? Have you learned it from a First Nations person, or through the dominant culture? Hosted by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Aboriginal filmmakers share their stories with other Canadians at the 8th Fire: the TV and radio series debuted Jan. 12, and the website contains additional videos, profiles, maps, question and answer with artists and scholars, links to further reading and viewing on Aboriginal issues, and opportunity for engagement through Facebook. The title” 8th Fire” draws from an Anishinaabe prophecy about Aboriginal peoples and the settler community coming together in harmony and justice.

Karla Braun

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