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Mennonite Church USA’s Dove’s Nest site helps faith communities keep children and youth safe from abuse and neglect. It includes sample child protection policies, bulletin inserts for child abuse prevention month, prayers for trauma survivors, and information on the 4-week Circle of Grace curriculum that teaches children to maintain healthy boundaries.—Angeline Schellenberg

The media focused on Attawapiskat First Nations reserve in December, highlighting the inadequate living conditions on many northern reserves. This site provides information on the situation in Attawapiskat and on MCC Ontario’s response.—Karla Braun

For translations for Muslim people groups, Wycliffe Bible Translators/SIL issued guidelines that affirm the familial language for God. “Son of God” is a controversial title for some from a Muslim background, since it may be understood to imply sexual activity on the part of the Father, and the Qur’an denies the possibility of God having a son. Because of its basis for Trinitarian doctrine, “Son of God” should appear in the text of translations, with explanations about the relationship between Jesus and the Father in introductions and footnotes.—Christianity Today

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