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As iron sharpens iron

Michael Dick’s heart for mentoring has shaped a generation of MB leaders


After 39 years of service to the MB conference on local, provincial, and national levels, Michael Dick will be stepping away from leadership. We are grateful for all Michael contributed to our Mennonite Brethren family, most recently serving as the CCMBC Treasurer and Finance and Audit Committee Chair, and the Legacy Board Chair.

“It is truly a gift to be a part of a group of people who are seeking the Lord and striving to lead well in ministry for His honour and glory,” said Michael. “But there are times one has to say I need a break from the additional pieces that fill my life and just be open to what God would have for me.”

Alongside his various conference positions, Michael is also Executive Pastor at South Abbotsford MB Church. Michael moved to a half-time role in February.

Michael was first elected to the provincial and national boards of Christian Education in 1985. There, he played a part in planning and facilitating the Banff National Youth Conventions in 1986, 1989, and 1992. These events brought 1,000 high schoolers together to connect and hear the word of God.

These events left a big impact on Michael, “The Banff conference was a significant part of my time because it was, you know, very transformative in the lives of many young people.”

In 1986, Michael was elected as Chair of the BC provincial board of Christian Education and, several years later, as the chair of the national CE board.

Michael served as the Executive Director of the board of Resource Ministries from 1994 until 2000. During this time he oversaw Kindred Productions, and one of the big projects that came out of his time was the publishing of curriculum that was based on our Confession of Faith and the core distinctives of the Mennonite Brethren Conference, “Faith, Family, Focus”, and “Word Wise”.

Michael did not forget about the world of education during this time. He served on a committee with MB Seminary, and was a board member and Chair of the board of Columbia Bible College from 1997 until 2004. These were notable years for Columbia Bible College with the building of Columbia Place, the renovation of the Student Centre, and the transition of Wally Unger as president.

“Those were significant years in the life of the college and it was great to be a part of that,” Michael said. Michael has seen many sides of the MB world while leading at the national, provincial, and church levels.

“I am certainly hopeful that I can continue to use the gifts and experiences gained from a lifetime of ministry to perhaps mentor or walk alongside younger leaders.”

Although challenging to balance, this opportunity allowed him to build rich relationships with leaders and pastors from across the country, giving unique insight into the impact and importance of the local church in partnership with the large family of churches.

In 2012, Michael was elected back onto the BCMB Executive Board and in 2014 became their moderator. He also moved onto the National Executive Board in 2014.

He has supported the conference through several large transitions including the change of Stewardship Ministries into what is now Legacy and CCMBC Investments.

“We also led through the challenging season of the merger of C2C and Multiply, anticipating the Lord’s blessing on the local, national, and global impact of that decision. And then we also saw the really challenging de-merger season, and the impact on our conference ministries, provincially and nationally,” Michael remembered.

Michael has been a part of three major governance transitions during the past 39 years, most recently the transition to the Collaborative Model and introduction of the CUSP. He noted that a governance model needs to “fit the times”.

“I would say, in many respects, our current collaborative model is one of the best for tying together the work of our churches to the provinces and to the national,” said Michael. “It really is a holistic and unified plan, that I quite like.”

As Michael steps away from these leadership roles he is looking forward to seeing what doors God opens, while embracing a period of rest and rejuvenation.

“I am certainly hopeful that I can continue to use the gifts and experiences gained from a lifetime of ministry to perhaps mentor or walk alongside younger leaders,” Michael said.

We want to thank Michael for his commitment and service to our conference and our churches. He has been a pillar for our community and we look forward to where God leads him in the coming years.


Rudy Hiebert June 12, 2024 - 15:08

Mr. Dick, but I like to call him Michael because of his qualities as a true friend and significant acquaintance. Wish him well in his future endeavors.

Erling Lassesen June 12, 2024 - 22:48

Thank you Michael for your leadership at South Abbotsford – you are an awesome God serving person with a heart of gold.


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