As we journey through the season of Lent, quietly preparing our hearts to receive anew the message of great hope and suffering, this issue considers how we experience God.
We are called to speak the good news to others: how have we been with God in ways that are worth talking about? As we share our lives with others, how might the friendships we develop and the lessons we learn be themselves an experience of God’s guiding, sustaining, equipping, loving presence? Praise God that he trusts his simple servants to do his work, despite our tendency to mess up.
Closing off the series on the Transformation survey, Greg Laing of MB Mission reflects on what the results reveal regarding global mission in “Mission-critical,” page 11. He notes some growth areas for our churches to develop concern for those outside our borders. MB Mission mobilizer Lloyd Letkeman tantalizes with hints from Forest Grove Community Church’s story of developing missional partnerships across cultures that enrich all participants.
In “What we say without opening our mouths,” pages 8–10, David Balzer further considers the symbiotic relationship between communication and technology – and its import for faith. Can we use the power of technology wisely to serve us without becoming slaves to its isolating power? How can we discipline our technology to lead us into deeper experiences of God and community?
For those who draw close to God particularly through music, it is no surprise that lifetime achievement award-winning music producer Roy Salmond is a grassroots philosopher. In “Listening things into being,” pages 32–33, Roy shares how his ears conduct his experience of God. This Lent and Easter, may you experience God in surprising places and have opportunity to share about it with others.—KB